Friday, June 1, 2012

Poetry slam videos

Hi Mrs. Buonomo's classes,
Here are the poetry slam videos that we watched on the first day. You might have to watch them at home, if YouTube is blocked in school. Definitely watch a few before Friday- you might pick up some pointers for performing your poem. Enjoy!

                                                               "I wanna hear a poem"

Poem: "Well, Thank you"

                                                                     Sara Kay: "Hands"

                                               Marshall Soulful Jones: "We Live In A Digital World"

                                                                    iCon: "Voices"

                                                          Sara Kay: "If I should have a daughter"

                                                           Taylor Mali: "On Girls Lending Pens"

                                                            Eric Darby: "Scratch and dent dreams"

                                           Taylor Mali: "Why falling in love is like owning a dog"