Thursday, October 3, 2013

Copyright-friendly images


Now that we're well into the school year, you've probably been assigned several projects and many of those projects probably include pictures that you've found on the Internet.

The 8th grade Bee team came in this week for a lesson on plagiarism and using images. All of us need to be aware that whenever we use ANY information or material from someone else (words, images, music, video, etc.) we need to give them credit by handing in a Works Cited or a list of the websites we took the images from. Check out the information below on how to find images that are labeled for re-use and how to give credit.
Google Images
-When using Google Images type in what you're searching for. Then click on the wheel (right next to Safe Search).
-Click on Advanced Search, then scroll down to where it says Usage Rights. Select "Free to use or share" OR "Free to use, share or modify" (if you'll be editing the image in Photoshop, etc).
-When you hand in your work, include an Image List or slide with a link to the website that the image came from. This is not "Google Images" - Google is only taking you to the website; you cannot cite Google as a source for research or pictures.
Bing Images
Type in what you're searching for, then click on License. Follow same steps as Google Images (Free to use, cite the website, etc)
Other Sites to check out: (free to use, just give credit!)

Clickr (clip art):

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