Hi Mrs. Buonomo/Ms. Elsbree's classes! In order to give you some background information on the time period in which The Outsiders is set, you'll be working on a research project on life in the 1960s. This project will require you to use all kinds of resources: websites from a Webquest, books, and database articles. You will be writing a written report with a partner and then creating a Glogster project on your own. A Works Cited is required!!
Directions, resources, and requirements for this project can be found here: http://zunal.com/webquest.php?w=91884. You can access this post 2 ways: by scrolling down until you find it, or by looking under Tags on the right hand side of this page. This post is tagged under: Buonomo, Elsbree, Research, and Webquests. Happy researching!
omg this is the best book ever