Monday, September 12, 2011

What's what in the MC

In case you haven't been to the media center in a while, here are a few answers to common questions:

*How many books can I check out at a time?
   You are allowed to have 2 books out at any time. Magazines and newspapers do not circulate, but you may read them in the library.

*How long can I keep my books?
Reference books may be kept overnight only. All other books may be checked out for up to 2 weeks. If you can't finish your book within 2 weeks, you may renew for another 2 weeks.

*What happens if my book is late?
You will owe $.05 per book, per day. For your convenience, there is a library dropbox in the main hallway, right across from the library- if you don't have time to come into the library, drop your books in there (provided they are on time).

*When can I come to the Media Center?
There are three times during the day: Advisory, lunch, and during class with your teacher and classmates. To visit during Advisory, you must get a pass from your teacher. If you'd like to stop in during lunch, drop by BEFORE going to the cafeteria to make sure we will be open and to get a pass. Then go eat your lunch, and return after eating. No food may be eaten in the library, so please do not bring your lunch with you.

*How do I find out about special events happening in the Media Center?
Any special events or contests (Lunch Bunch, genre of the month contests, etc) are advertised in the morning announcements. They will also be posted here on the library blog, and fliers are usually hung up around the school as well.

*What if I need help with research?
Just ask! Seriously. Stop by and ask for help. Also, any materials that we go over when your class comes in are posted under your teacher's last name under "Tags" on the right side of this page.

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